Website Design- Basic
b) Digital Prescence consists of a few major things(50%)
1. In order for there to be brand awareness:
proper digital portfolio
- a website
Having a website means that you have to have a registered domain name(site name) and purchase or use some sort of hosting space.
However, just having a domain name with hosting space is not good enough, there also has to be shareable and relevant content. Everything on the website has to help and educate the buyer about your business whether it be the services, products, mission, how the business started etc. You can’t just have a brand people have to be able to put a face to the brand hence creating a team page is extremely important.
Website Design/Formatting
The Websites that are able to drive and retain the most traffic are those that are simple and clean. Take for example, Digital Marketing Expert Neil Patel’s site where only a few simple colors of orange, white and black are used. By using only a few colors it leads to a more simple and clean sit, there is no color overload. So this color scheme add’s value to the user because the interface is easy and clean resulting in an aesthetically pleasing website.
Pages: If you are running a business you can’t just have one page on the site
- Depending on the type of business you are running you will need multiple pages
- Solid Navigation should be present on all pages of the website. Before creating pages of the websites, it is important I think to draw it out on a piece of paper that you know these are a few of the big pages I want for my website and then frame subpages around this. The above is extremely important in helping the buyers or users journey. If your page is not set up logically or things are placed randomly here and there people will just quickly leave the site and this will increase your bounce rate.
Bounce rate in take for example school context is when classroom is disorganized- chairs and desks are scattered all over the floor. As a student you see this disorganized classroom and say to yourself either, let me wait for all this to be cleaned or you will leave. In the internet the exact same thing happens except nobody waits for the website to be cleaned and made simple they just leave the site the moment they see that the information is not presented in an accessible and simple way. To improve the bounce rate the information needs to be presented in an accessible, consistent and simple way, In addition, image size should be small so that it does not take a very long time for the website to load- if the above are implemented your business website can be optimized to some extent for bounce rate.
Take for example you are running an Eccomerce Website selling Health Products - a simple roadmap that you could create for your website would be something along these lines. Most important thing is to frame and design the website with double functionality such that elements on desktop website and mobile are the same.
Image Credits: Neil Patel Website:
Page Heading

Website Design Resources
1. Neil Patel: Even though Neil Patel's whole site is geared around digital marketing, the most important function of his website is SEO Analyzer which analyzes any/your website and provides a report speaking to where SEO could be improved, UberSuggest which helps in selecting keywords by using data driven stats on keywords to tell you if you can leverage this keyword to rank high in google search. Even though it does not necessarily speak to the website design in terms of colors and all it can help in terms of learning how to improve the website through optimizing SEO on and off page through blog section. Or it can be a point of comparison as a website that has a simple, accessible and consistent layout,
2. TheFutureIsHere(Instagram Account): Even though this Instagram account does not delve much in depth about color schemes for websites, it does speak to brand management amongst other topics that are important for building a proper and sustainable business. Other instagram accounts are also there in the same space that speak to the website design aspect and color schemes specific to certain businesses. If no such thing exists then maybe there is an opportunity for somebody to come up with an account that educates the public for free on color schemes leveraging social media. For example some color schemes for websites as compiled by Canva include A quick search on google on the color schemes for business will help to give ideas as to how to create a proper website.
3. Canva and Piktochart. Respective websites are as follows: and Even though these websites are more geared around designing posts, infographics etc. These websites are very useful as these infographics can be used to break up very detailed content into something that is visually easily understandable for customers, readers.
Google Analytics: The most important resource is to analyze websites already out there in the same space and analyze how they are presenting information, keywords, pages-layout of the website. After taking into account what others are doing you can use it as a point of comparison to figure out how to frame your own website for your business.
The resources above on website design are a work in progress. Please do let me know through email what other suggestions you have about resources speaking specifically to the website design aspect.
I have attached a worksheet below speaking to planning and framing of the website. One worksheet is a basic checklist that speaks specifically to the overall steps to create a solid digital presence for the website. Please do feel free to make a copy of the worksheets by clicking on the links and filling out the worksheets to start planning the pages for your own business/personal website.
In terms of websites, personally for ArzooArtsCollective LLP we decided to go with even though the user base is not as extensive as Shopify it was a lot more cost efficient. As the main purpose of the website was to provide a digital presence space for our business in the online space and to display our products so that people who did not come to the fairs at various schools etc could shop online. There is still more work to be done on the website in terms of recommended products or related products. Mainly this will involve coding at our end- given that our coding skills are not top notch we may have to look into hiring somebody to try and help us set that aspect up properly. I tried my hand at setting up the related products and reviews pages for products pages of referencing tutorials through wix developer tool Corvid. However, it did not exactly work according to tutorial. The coding aspect is one important part of website design- so it is important to set up the above functions while designing the website.
Now Available for Download
Digital Presence Basic Checklist: Learn how to create a basic digital presence for your buisness.
Download for Free Google Docs
Download for Free PDF

Now Available for Download
Website Layout worksheet: Learn how to frame different pages for your websites.
Download for Free

For the worksheets below best is to open with Lumin PDF, Google Docs or print out worksheet.
Next, I will delve into how to leverage youtube to build brand presence and reputation, as well as bolster online website presence. I will discuss about content ideas for youtube etc.