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Special Thanks to

 1. Sandeep Balaji- for introducing me to SEO off and on page, brand reputation and awareness, payment integration and all the help in Catalyst, ArzooArtsCollective LLP.

2. Mr.Riyaj Ahmed- for introducing the digital marketing topic to my family, and making me interested and motivated to start implementing digital marketing content taught into results for ArzooArtsCollective LLP.

3. Mr.Eric Ahn- for helping me gain more clarity on my purpose at American University and helping bolster my understanding about digital marketing, social media strategy.

4. Professor Elms- for helping me understand more about competitive advantage and how to implement competitive advantage theory into practice through various aspects of the business, social media strategy etc.

5. Professor White- for helping me understand more about the general business side of things

6. My parents and family- for not questioning my side projects of digital and inbound marketing content, supporting me in my endavor of using what I have learnt at school, university, online to provide knowledge to others for free to use to improve their life, maybe even create their own business

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