a) With that, I would like to explain some differences between Digital Marketing and Conventional Marketing
Now before I delve into the differences between the two forms of marketing it is important to establish and Digital Marketing is a more powerful and internet driven form of conventional marketing. The basic aspect of marketing like spinning stories of pain points, customer stories is very much there. Figure 1 below provides an excellent visual and through representation as to the differences between Digital Marketing and Conventional Marketing.

The above features are not something you can get in normal marketing. In normal marketing there are some things like cold calling, advertisements in classified ads etc but they have their own scope of reach. These elements of marketing are the foundation for digital marketing but cold calling has now evolved into email marketing and advertisements in print have been replaced with advertisements on various classified listing portals.
Next, I will delve into the overall Digital Marketing Topic. Within Digital Marketing choose from either Chapter 1 on building a digital presence or Chapter 2 on digital platforms.